
Imagine a world where parents and teachers have more than enough support. Where children are unburdened and resilient, where they feel valued and are held lovingly in community. A world where life feels slower and more meaningful. Where we measure our days by presence, beauty, true purpose, and connection. A world where we look at the serious ecological destruction and social injustice around us, and we allow our hearts to break. And we find that when we let our hearts break, they actually break open and we become more open to all of life’s gifts. A world where we come together to share honestly, to grieve, to celebrate, to fall back in love with the world, and to reorient our lives to its healing.

This is the world I am working towards. I am a certified Hand in Hand instructor and Good Grief Network facilitator. I have a Masters in Education and a certificate in both Eco-Psychology and Climate Psychology. I offer classes, workshops, talks, and ongoing support groups - both online and in person. I am passionate about creating courageous and tender spaces where people can come together, unguarded, and do the emotional work needed to show up more fully in their own lives, as well as for their children, their communities, and this beautiful planet. I love what I do and am grateful to be able to do this work.

Upcoming Offerings

Wise Parenting in Uncertain Times (Online workshop). March 6, 2024

Good Grief Network 10-Step for Parents with co-faciliator Teddy Kellam (online). Begins January 9, 2024

Good Grief Network 10-Step for Climate Educators and Environmental Professionals (online). Begins January 10, 2024

Ongoing Parenting Support Groups